Color Dots

Here they guided me in class to create this program although while I was still writing the thing on the screen was confusing and I couldn't understand how it worked. After I saw it more closely and paid attention to the code it was easier to understand how it worked and how I could change it. small details like the color of the circles.


In this project I learned how to create simple figures with codes and how to change their color, size, among other things. After learning this I was assigned to create my own avatar with only figures. In this project I decided to create Mini-Me, he was an easy character to create although I learned that with several figures and more time I could have created a more complex character.

Room Area

From this project I learned that mathematics can be done with programming. Here, for example, we can find the area of ​​a room with the help of the user and the numbers that they insert to find the Area.

Bouncing Ball

This was one of the most difficult projects in my opinion because I couldn't make it work, it was difficult even though I was guided. When I reviewed my work I think there were things missing and the replit software is not installing the files correctly but someday I will try this program again until it works correctly

Using Python

This program was short, we had to interact with the user and ask questions where the user could put their answers and they would also interact with this project. I really liked it and I learned how to do a job in a very short time.

Calculation Make

In this project we did something similar to the Area Room project, although in this we are finding the area of ​​a rectangle with the help of the user and the numbers they put in, in my opinion it was easier because I had already done something similar before

Conditionals Make/ If ELSE

This project helps users define their grade with defined letters for each note. This project was easy because it was only if or else methods which guided me the most during this project and its formation.

Conditionals Make/ ELIF

In this project there was more complexity because it has schedules and the number that the user enters will give the action that must be taken. In this use ELIF statements to create the different schedules.

Iteration Make

In this project it was basic because it was only about creating a user that the user can create and the password ABC123 for everyone who enters and it is a basic system that can be used for a future page that needs a user name and a passcode

XTRA Credit

I am excited about this programming system because it helps new students find their class if they don't know where it is and I am happy to have created something like this and that at some point in the future it can be improved and that it can be used with more subjects and more variants.
